dimanche 5 mai 2019

Student life in Nagoya 名古屋留学生活 - Atsuta Jingu 熱田神宮 (2015.10.03)

All photo sources : Me (Louise)

My memories of this visit are scarce, but magic, somehow. It happened around a week after my arrival in Nagoya University, 4 years ago.  This was a very sunny day, our little team of exchange students lead by the awesome Nupace office team (who took care of us perfectly from our arrival to the end of the stay) headed to Atsuta Jingu, one of Japan's main Shrines. I found back the atmosphere of shrines that I like, as Meiji Jungu for example : a huge park, with a lot of trees, in which you can walk without feeling surrounded by thousands of people (even though they're here, too). 


Wandering around trees, we found a place to eat (in which I should come again to eat Kishimen) near a little river. It was very pretty and I enjoyed being part of nature. The trees were so numerous that I felt like, for a moment, they were part of our group. Right, they're living beings too but while I stepped within their place, I felt as if they were looking after us, like they were for people after us and people who will come after. This energy of century-year old nature was very strong but subtle, peaceful. Looking at those knots made by their branches was very fascinating.


This peculiar energy may be due to Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess of Shinto cult, to which this Shrine is dedicated, I guess. Somewhere behind the curtains of the honden, the main building of the Shrine, lies Kusanagi no tsurugi(草薙の剣), one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan. This sword is said to come from ancestral times, as it was Amaterasu herself who gave it to the father of Jinmu tennô, the first Emperor of Japan (expected to have ruled between 660 BC and 585 BC, according to Japan early chronicles, the Kojiki  and Nihon Shoki, written in 712 and 721 AD).   

この特別なエネルギーは神道の女神、天照大神のものなのかもしれないのかな。 三種の神器の一部、伝統的な力を持つ草薙の剣は本殿の幕の後ろのどこかに置いてあるらしいです。再歴712年に書かれた古事記と721年に書かれた日本書紀によって、この剣は天照大神によって神武天皇の父親に捧げられたそうです。神武天皇は紀元前660年から585年まで日本の初天皇でいらっしゃったといわれています。

I don't remember if we entered the Bunkaden, the Museum of Royal Treasuries but I know I was very intrigued by it. I should go there. I loved Nagoya as a whole, it's a very nice city to live in. My year there was rich in knowledge and discoveries, even though I did travel less than other exchange friends.

I miss misokatsu, karaoke sessions, discussions with Japanese students, even the University campus sometimes. However I have no regrets, just awesome memories I'll cherish all my life and this day in Atsuta Jingu is one of them, for sure!

宝物館・文化殿も見学したかどうかよく覚えていませんが、この場所を微妙に思いました、きっと。 そこも入ってみたいなあ。名古屋は全体として心地良くて生きやすい街で、とても大好きでした。ほかの留学生より旅行はあまりしなかったけど、この1年間は知識と発見を多く得て今も感動しています。


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Student life in Nagoya 名古屋留学生活 - Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 (2016.03.10)

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